About Me


I am a 3rd Yr. Ph.D student at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Computer Science and Engineering department advised by Prof. Heiner Litz. Currently, I am working as Graduate Student Researcher in the Center for Research in Systems and Storage (CRSS).

Currently, I am working on applying Computational storage techniques to Data management using embeddable query engines such as Apache Arrow Acero and DuckDB along with designing fast RDMA/Infiniband data transport protocols for efficiently moving columnar data over fabrics. I am also actively looking for research and collaboration opportunities in Computational storage, Near-data processing, Heterogeneous systems, and Data management. To schedule a meeting with me, click here.

When I am not working, I like to go for long drives, explore new places, and try out new cuisines !

Research Interests


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Taking a nap under a tree once helped a guy solve the universe !